
I’m just so tired! Mondays, who wants em? I just have the urge to post a couple of good tunes here today, I just listened to them on utube, no real reason, but perhaps someone will enjoy?

First, Erasure, Blue Savannah, what a nice song! I always thought this guy had a great voice, and the guy on synths is great too!


Argent, Hold Your Head Up, I don’t know why this came into my head, or the other song, I just felt it was time to change things up a bit, I’m too tired to do anything other than listen to the music, weird, I wasn’t brought up on this music, I don’t know where I first heard the song, but I like it – maybe the chorus got to me? I like the playing on it, quite psychedelic, I do like that sort of groovy thing and the positive vibe on it! ❤