Vax + Hols!

Well its incredibly frustrating isn’t it? The weather last week was scorching hot, and I was at work – this week, my week off, its been pissing it down! I thought I might have gone off on a motorbike holiday, or at least a good number of day trips, but no such luck!

Wednesday I braved the conditions and went to see my aged parents, over 100 miles south, it was ok going, but the rain on the way back was torrential! Blimey, the road was inches deep in water, there was lightning overhead, and the air was grey, like one was actually riding inside of the thundercloud! 

Anyhow, I like to have a sing song while I’m riding, not at that actual part of the ride, I was just hanging on at that point, but later, when it calmed down a bit, I was singing Across the Border by ELO (this video features a rabbit – I have no idea why – its not my video!)

Funny really, I hadn’t thought about their music for a long time, maybe it was going to the old home town that sent me back in time. The country roads round there are good!  I should have been singing Summer and Lighting – given the circumstances

When I was a nipper, I liked ELO, but then I found the Damned, and they became my go to for live and loud music – there’s not much to show what it was like, but I did recently find this video – this reflects the sound at that time, pretty noisy and youthful – just click anywhere on the timeline and get your ears mashed!

I was pretty inspired by that video when I watched it last week, it reminded me of why I liked some of that stuff, they played really well and provided a lot of laughs and entertainment during a difficult time. 

A few years after that, they grew up a bit, had a line up changes and came up with this sort of old rocker thing. I remember someone saying they “grew up with the Rolling Stones” you could say that with the Damned, they grew up a bit too, not a lot really to be honest, but anyway, I just loved the way the songs got softer. 

I liked softer music, then found the harder stuff, then mellowed a bit, but I still like the old stuff as well as the new.

Oh yeh, I been hearing a lot from the anti-vax people lately, I think its because the focus is on them to get vaccinated, but they don’t want to! Well, you know it’s all a plot to kill you don’t you? I’m still a bit nervy about being killed, even at this age, so I do understand! I’m vaccinated, by the way, I feel that the government’s let us all down by not even attempting to eradicate the virus using track and trace, no, we now have to live with it, or die with it – thanks governments! Thanks for creating a new and worse world for us all to struggle in! Bastards . . . ! 


I been thinking about songs by seminal UK punk group “Chelsea” Probably won’t go over well here, you have to have your ears sharpened, or blunted, or whatever to like this stuff, but I have an appreciation for it. I was thinking about some of these old songs, so I just looked a few up to share here.

I don’t know what half the lyrics are, or what the songs are about, can’t find the lyrics online, cos they’re too obscure – I sort of like that in my music, it seems to add to that secret exclusivity.

Anyhow, the singer is called Gene October – that’s a cool name! Also, I think he has something to say, something a bit unusual, and a bit odd perhaps – 

what on earth this one is about I have no real clue, but it does seem to be about something

What would you do?

This one is like a bit dark, like the Doors or something, not typical punk style really

Look at the Outside

Here’s another dark one, really dark!

No Flowers

This ones even darker, its like punk blues man!

The Loner

They done a cover of Many Rivers! Shit, that’s not typical punk at all! Its not that good, but its quite sweet I think

Many Rivers

This one is probably my fav, a real belter – flat out good song! It sounds really 70’s – I don’t think later generations had this energy 🙂 The drumming towards the end is cracking! I like punk music the way jazz officianados like their jazz!

Don’t get me Wrong

Here’s a good anthem song to round off this post 

Come On

Lockdown blues

The other day I thought I’d have a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits, but when I got to the cupboard I was shocked to find I had no biscuits! Really shocked! I thought I had a packet in there, I buy them in packs of two, and I was sure I still had another pack left, but I was wrong. So anyhow, I made a cup of tea, drank it, then I thought, oh, I fancy a biscuit or 2, but there were none, so I double checked the cupboard, and I really, really don’t have any! So anyhow, I finished my tea, thought about the lack of biscuits, (which I could still barely believe) Then I thought, hmm, I fancy a cup of tea! Completely forgetting I just had one!  Amazing!  I must be getting old – yes!

I’m pretty gobsmacked we’re coming out of lockdown while so many people are still at risk! I feel that it would have been better to shut this thing down rather than just vacinate our way out of it – science is great, but its lazy to just expect miracles – scary really, is the economy really the only thing that matters to these ass-hats?  

I’m getting quite a bit of junk mail lately, I don’t click the links, but I copied some text to translate from French

Notre repasseuse professionnelle repasse votre linge dans le plus grand respect de vos affaires. Notre livreur vous rapporte votre linge plié et repassé 24 heures …

Our professional ironer will iron your laundry with the greatest respect for your business. Our delivery person brings you your folded and ironed laundry 24 hours …

Ha, well that’s not so bad!

During lockdown, I got myself a little iPad mini, I got quite a bit of music software on it, synths + drum machines and stuff, I did a screen grab recording back in March or something, of me just tootling about – its like a thing you can add sounds to, and program in little tunes and select different ways to play them, different synths sound different from each other, or you can alter things and just save them to play about with some more later. Anyhow, that’s what I was doing here, its a bit random!

I just did two more videos, this first one is using Grooverider, which is, well – groovy! 

And this one, its a similar sort of thing called Pure Acid

I got fed up with all that a few months ago, but I did spend a lot of hours doing that stuff, learning about it all, I prefer the music of the pros, get a load of this one! Its an ear worm!

Thats from the 2014 Kompakt Total CD, it kept popping up in my random memory, so I had to go searching to ID the track.

I just bought this double CD of Disco stuff – mostly from the late 70s, I’m digging’ this vibe!


WTF is up with these people?

I was trying to read some poetry in another window while this was going on!

First he’s having a go at Judas, and now he’s having a go at a priest!

I don’t even know what this one is about

They’re all big productions tho aren’t they? There’s some money behind all that – I find it rather derivative and anyhow, who needs it? I mean really?

I don’t really care for that much do you? I like to know what’s going on out there, but this just seems silly and superfluous – good luck to them though, perhaps they’ll find their nemesis, or whatever it is they’re looking for, zenith – perhaps I don’t know what those words mean?

Well, I was just thinking:

Haha, that’s more like it!

I was thinking about some stuff earlier, but its all bollocks really, it is what it is, isn’t it! LOL Its for the LOL’s! Hope everyones having / had a good day 🙂